Reclamation products
We realize that it is very annoying if you have a complaint about a product supplied by us. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this complaint. We want to resolve this complaint as quickly as possible, so we ask you to complete this complaint form as completely as possible. In most cases we use a 24-month warranty period on our items. If this period is different, you can find this in the catalogue. In all cases the proof of purchase with a date applies for determining the warranty period. The complaints can be processed in the following ways:
- You will receive a free replacement under warranty from us.
- We request that you clarify the situation even further so that we can better assess it.
- We will send you a part to solve the problem
- And / or we ask you to return the item to us for further investigation.
- If it concerns a repair that we could carry out, we will request that you return it to us.